Zelula amen garrantzia gainbehera neurodegeneratiboan, minbizian eta ehunen birsorkuntzan
Minbizia, neurodegenerazioa eta ehun-ingeniaritza, gaur egungo biomedikuntzako gairik jorratuenak dira. Zein baino zein garrantzitsuagoak dira pazientearen ongizatea handitu eta zama ekonomiko eta soziala gutxitzeko. Baina zein da hiru alor horiek elkar ditzakeen puntu amankomuna? Hiru patologien ikerkuntzan jauzi kualitatiboa eragin dezakeen elementua, zelula amen erabilera alegia. Zelula amak desberdindu gabeko zelulak dira, autoberritzeko eta zelula-leinu anitzetarantz desberdintzeko gai direnak. Zelula ama helduak, enbrionarioak ez bezala, gizaki helduen ehunetako nitxo ezberdinetan kokatzen dira eta berritze-tasa txikia dute; izan ere, G0 aldian mantentzen dira eta soilik egoera zehatzetan aktibatu edo desberdintzen dira. Orotara, berrikuspen honek zelula amek egoera desberdinetan izango duten inpaktuaren isla bat izan nahi du. Lan honen helburua izan da zelula ama helduen rol ezberdinak aztertzea, gaixotasun neurodegeneratiboetan, minbizian eta ehun kaltetuen birsorkuntzan duten papera aztertuz eta terapia zelularrean duten garrantzia aipatuz.
Gako-hitzak: Zelula ama, minbizia, birsorkuntza, ehun-ingeniaritza.
The importance of stem cells in neurodegeneration, cancer and tissue regeneration
Nowadays, cancer, neurodegeneration and tissue engineering are the most frequent topics in biomedicine. Each one more and more important to increase patient welfare and decrease the economic and social burden. However, what do these three areas have in common? One element that can bring about a qualitative leap in the study of the three pathologies is the use of stem cells. Stem cells are non-differentiated cells that are capable of self-renewal and differentiation into multiple cell lines. Adult stem cells, unlike embryonic ones, are located in different niches in adult human tissues and have a low renewal rate because they maintain in G0 stage and are only activated or differentiated under specific situations. Overall, this review is intended to be a reflection of the impact that stem cells will have on the different situations that most concern society today. The aim of this work was to study the different roles of adult stem cells, examining their role in neurodegenerative diseases, cancer and regeneration of damaged tissues, as well as their importance in cell therapy.
Keywords: stem cells, cancer, regeneration, tissue engineering.